What a difference a month makes, page-8

  1. 46,775 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @JonnoH; when Victorians watch news reports tonight and see Andrews standing up for our state against the latest excesses of NSW and incredible incompetence of the Morrison Government I suspect they'll give a fist pump and a quiet; "Yes!"

    They'll also be delighted to hear of just how much progress we've made towards again terminating the Delta variant of Covid19 and rightly hopeful that the lockdown will end Tuesday evening and that our state's economic growth is running at 6.5% pa.

    Sadly, Greater Sydneysiders have very little clarity about what lies ahead and they've just witnessed their Premier coping very poorly with the pressure she's brought in herself, OK, OK; with the aid of Morrison and Murdoch Mouthpieces who helped her construct the demonstrably false image of NSW being the 'Gold Standard State'.
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