Tony Abbott is already making his presence felt throughout...

  1. 207 Posts.

    Tony Abbott is already making his presence felt throughout Australia and around the World as a true statesman , leader and decision maker.
    He is leaving the bumbling Gillard and her ALP / Socialist Alliance cohorts in his wake.
    The Australian public can be rightfully encouraged by his unwavering stance on illegal immigrants, taxes ( carbon tax, MRRT , pokie tax, private health rebate etc ), opposing the ALP / Greens Socialist Alliance media laws, corruption and rorting of the union movement and ALP members ( e.g. Thomson , Williamson )......the list goes on.
    It is great to see a leader who posses the moral, ethical and integrity standards we expect from our politicians.
    We can all look forward to many decades of conservatism under Tony and his party.....bring on the election....." LETS GET AUSTRALIA BACK ON TRACK "
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