what are memories, page-28

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    you are certainly a funny poster; shooting from the hip as you do; despite being mistaken & illogical 95% or so of the time. allow me to help again, with my expertise, & provide some service

    1. since you deny a sexless bliss, why talk of enlightenment? enlightenment is the state of perfect freedom. how can the mind be free if it is addicted to sex or cries when losing a kinky squeeze?

    2. if you believe there is a way to enlightenment, why have you not reached it?

    3. who brought up the topic of desire & enlightenment, anyway? how is it relevant? this shows a discursive mind. try to train the mind to abide in real & relevant things

    5. Buddhism teaches two kinds of desire: (i) desire leading to suffering (tanha); & (ii) desire as a factor of the path

    6. the path to enlightenment does require desire, albeit, extremely subtle. i will provide an analogy for understanding. say you are carrying a heavy weight in your hands/arms & you desire to drop it so it does not break your back or injure you. dropping/releasing the weight requires an act of desire or intention. similarly, dropping wrong desires & dropping grasping requires an act of a more subtle desire. in the path, there is intention, aim, goal or desire. it is not a completely desireless path . however, meditation masters teach it is a desireless path as a skilful means to teach clumsy students

    7. therefore, Buddhism teaches:

    8. your final point is fatally wrong because it is thoroughly disproven. i know men that have spent most of their lives celibate &, for most of that time, often, they are surrounded by women, when going on alms round, teaching, counselling, working, etc. in brief, you are certainly not one to provide any spiritual guidance since your mind is pretty confused. this is why temples are full of women. maybe you visit one & see how free most monks are around women

    9. as i said, no wise meditator 'avoids' normal sexual relations. if a person is avoiding sex, they will unlikely succeed. instead, it is something they have zero interest in because they actually perceive it as undesirable. there is nothing desireable about sex for a spiritually wise person. this is what you do not understand.

    10. i will give you another analogy. for ages, in surfing, there has always been the debate about what is better? surfing or sex? many choose surfing . meditation concentration is similar to getting tubed in the surf. most surfers will prefer a 10 second tube ride to sex. so what about a 10 hour, 10 day or life time 'tube ride' in meditation?

    11. at least nearly every successful western monk meditator previously had a normal sex life but dropped it at their own choosing. they certainly did not end up bitterly disappointed. it does work that way. your views just show how both mundane (ordinary) your mind is & devoid of experience.

    12. if sex was so good, what are so many people heartbroken by it, or cannot maintain a relationship, or have a harmful addiction to it, or angry at their ex-wives (like on HC), or simply fed up with normal family life, with all of its burdens

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