what can we believe from american lips?, page-10

  1. 1,166 Posts.
    Snooks. You've got such a big head mate! Such self dellusion. You think just too much of yourself. Who one earth would be so weak as to "duck and weave" from any of your posts?
    We've all told you, time and again, that we don't love Saddam. In fact I wouldn't know him from a bar of soap. I have heard of some of his bad deeds and if they are true I certainly don't condone them - but nor do I condone the use of: Agent Orange, of Napalm, of Cluster bombs, of mines, of MOABS and more destructively so, an army consisting of very poor young people who have been pumped up to hate anyone that doesn't look exactly like them, who shoot indiscriminately, who have no regard for life, human or otherwise. One step below them in scumlife are those people who simply deride and dismiss anyone with a bit of a humanitarian instinct.
    No, I don't like Saddam but I sure as hell don't like the likes of Rumsfeld, bush, Cheney, Powel, Wolfowitch (particularly that bastard) Perle, Condi (big)Price and the rest of that group of war mongers called the Pentagon. Yes, I want this idiotic coalition to get a huge slap across the face but no, I don't want anyone killed.
    Damn, I know I've made it too hard for to understand again -you and Tiger and the other wormbrains that coagulate around that running sore called your brain!
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