What caused Jesus’ death?Just hanging on a cross does not kill...

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    What caused Jesus’ death?
    Just hanging on a cross does not kill you, other things have to cause your death. The two thieves had their legs broken so they died of asphyxiation; they could not push up on their broken legs to catch a breath. So what killed Jesus?
    The clue is what happened when the Roman soldier pushed a lance into his chest. As it says “out came blood and water”. The “water” was actually serum. What happens with blood is that once it stops flowing the red blood cells settle to the bottom and the separated serum forms above the layer of red cells. So when the lance went in it pierced a space where the blood had been settled for some time so that the serum layer could form. But how could that happen? When we die the blood remains within our blood vessels so separation cannot occur. For separation to occur the blood has to come out of the blood vessels to pool somewhere. It just so happens the heart is contained within a chamber in the body, the pericardium. The only possible explanation for blood to pool in the pericardium is if the blood vessel system had split to allow the blood to come out and pool. The only conclusion for how that might have occurred is by some component of the heart “splitting”, e.g. the one of the ventricles splitting open and the beating heart spurting out the blood with its last few beats into the pericardium.
    The only conclusion we can draw from that is that Jesus bled to death due to a literally broken heart.
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