Gilbert looked bemused. If even senior journalists don't...

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Gilbert looked bemused. If even senior journalists don't understand the difference between CO2 and this, little wonder the message being put out is alarmist and little wonder there is so much ignorance of the facts:

    Its not rocket science. We're told that climate change is due to the greenhouse effect of a blanket of carbon dioxide. As mentioned ad nauseum, its totally colourless and cannot be seen no matter how much there is in the atmosphere.

    Smog and visible pollution is made up of a whole range of noxious gasses, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides etc. Which morph in to nasty substances, but have nothing to do with the blanket effect responsible for global warming.

    The two are totally different. it could be said that we could cut carbon dioxide drastically and it would have no effect on the visible smog. Or we could cut the smog and it would have no effect on the global warming effect of carbon dioxide.

    Far from the deniers copping the flak, I think the ball is in the scientists hands to explain this fundamental difference to the unwashed and greenies. It obvious that many of the protesters and flag wavers really have no idea what they want. They are the ones who are confused.
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