So can you tell us who founded your church and by whom, does it...

  1. 5,401 Posts.
    So can you tell us who founded your church and by whom, does it have connection right down to the apostles, or was it some ones own interpretation man made of what they think the bible is saying

    The seven churches that the Bible talks about in the Book of Revelation are:
    1. Ephesus
    2. Smyrna
    3. Pergamum
    4. Thyatira
    5. Sardis
    6. Philadelphia
    7. Laodicea
    These seven churches were located in the region of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) and were addressed in the letters written by the apostle John in the Book of Revelation. Each of these letters contains praise, encouragement, and warnings for each individual church, as well as a call to repentance and perseverance in the faith. These letters to the seven churches are found in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 and offer valuable insights for the churches and believers of all time.

    The apostles, particularly Peter, Paul, James, John, and others, traveled extensively to spread the teachings of Jesus and establish new Christian congregations. They preached, taught, baptized, and appointed leaders within these communities, laying the foundations for these early churches.

    According to tradition and historical accounts, the apostles founded churches in various cities such as Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, Rome, and many others throughout the Mediterranean region.
    While the exact number of churches founded by the apostles may be difficult to determine, their missionary efforts and ministry were instrumental in the growth and spread of Christianity in the early centuries of the church.
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