What Christ & the 12 confirmed., page-115

  1. 5,401 Posts.
    Matt 18:3 - and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

    In other words, put OFF the likes of the lies your forefathers spread, and empty yourself of them.
    No hint of this said highly education nonsense, come lies that you put forward, not to mention, AGAIN you abandon the full meaning and context of God now teaching us, the Spirit of Truth = Father.

    No wotsup that does not mean that, you need to become innocent and humble like little children, hardening your heart like you do is not it

    Have you ever had your kids or Gkids just run up and just hug and embrace you, that is how we need to become, bickering about bible verses is not of God, but of satan trying to divide and conquer

    One can know jacks about bible verses, but just being humbly of heart like a kid embraces the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit= the trinity, has a better hope of salvation the what we do on here and specifically what you do, your way or nothing, that is not of God
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