What are everyones thoughts on the stock FTR, there latest...

  1. 179 Posts.
    What are everyones thoughts on the stock FTR, there latest announcement is below:


    HOMEX - Perth
    Australia's largest web hosting company, WebCentral, has sold more
    than $600,000 worth of (annualised) managed Microsoft SQL database
    services within three months of making the product available to
    customers and only a week after its official launch.

    "The rapid take-up of WebCentrals fully managed SQL EASY product
    demonstrates that many large organisations are keen to outsource the
    database management requirements of their Website," said Lloyd Ernst,
    WebCentral Chief Executive Officer. "We've achieved these sales with
    little promotion and expect sales in excess of $5 million, over the
    next 12 months as we ramp up our marketing.'

    Most sophiscated Web sites today are driven by a backend database,
    now WebCentral can provide complete management of both the front end
    web site and the backend database.

    The first customers for WebCentral's database solution include
    airlines, government departments, financial institutions and major
    multinationals. The company believes that such organisations are
    attracted by the ability to reduce costs and administration

    "The best way to think of SQL EASY is to imagine outsourcing your
    database administration, your server hardware maintenance contract
    and your 24 hour on-call technical staff in one simple, cost
    effective process," said Ernst.

    With SQL EASY, WebCentral takes on responsibility for all aspects of
    the technical operation of a customer's Microsoft SQL database. This
    involves provisioning and maintaining hardware, monitoring server
    performance, database back up, all standard Database Administrator
    (DBA) functions and software licensing. More advanced DBA functions
    are available on a fee for service basis and WebCentral's separate
    Complex hosting division has solutions based on Microsoft, Oracle and
    IBM database solutions.

    The cost of an SQL EASY dedicated server ranges from $1470 per month
    for a single server solution, and from $10,000 per month for
    multi-server clusters.

    These fees are very competitive compared to the upfront software
    licensing and hardware costs corporates face even before they pay for
    database maintenance. A single processor license for Microsoft
    SQLServer 2000 Standard Edition, for instance, is $10,917, With
    WebCentral SQL EASY, customers pay only $424 per month per sewer
    processor in license fees.

    WebCentral works with database customers from planning to
    implementation. Its database architects and experts have worked for
    organisations including Accenture, Fujitisu and Suncorp and deliver
    advice to customers how issues such as how to best structure database
    replications, build in redundancy and maximise performance.

    Further Information:

    Stephen Johns, WebCentral, Tel: (02) 9233 1677 Mob: 0401 985 211
    Ashley Rambukwella, MACRO Consulting, Tel: (02) 9409 5103 Mob: 0407
    231 282

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