what does gillard have against 'mincers'?

  1. 11,114 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 101
    Lol..............does she have a phobia?

    Gillard labels Pyne 'mincing poodle'
    By Political correspondent Louise Yaxley

    Posted Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:01pm AEDT
    Updated 10 hours 58 minutes ago

    Not mincing words: Julia Gillard was scathing in her criticism of the new manager of Opposition business. (AAP: Alan Porritt, file photo)

    Audio: Political hostilities resume inQuestion Time (PM) Audio: Coalition to adopt deeper greenhouse cuts than Federal Govt (The World Today) Audio: Calls for certainty in greenhouse approach (The World Today) Related Story: Turnbull launches carbon trade gamble Related Story: Greens move for wider ETS inquiry The Federal Government has spent question time taunting the Opposition over its recent infighting.

    Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard mocked the Coalition for choosing Christopher Pyne as the manager of opposition business, rather than Tony Abbott, who did the job in Government.

    "In a choice between macho and mincing I would have gone for macho myself," she said.

    "The leader of the Opposition faced with the choice of a doberman or the poodle has gone for the poodle."

    She said he wanted to see Mr Abbott make a comeback.

    But Malcolm Turnbull focused on the economy and emissions trading, noting the Government called then cancelled an inquiry a week ago.

    "What potential finding of that inquiry was the Prime Minister so afraid of?" he asked.

    Mr Turnbull says the Opposition could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than the Government with less economic impact.

    Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey demanded to know if people had locked themselves into higher interest rates because of Wayne Swan's comments last year about inflation.

    Mr Swan tried to turn the issue back on Mr Hockey, but only prompted more Coalition jibes.

    "The shadow treasurer has the hide of a rhinoceros, Mr Speaker" said Mr Swan.

    Mr Hockey replied: "This is a nervous Treasurer out of his depth."

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