What Does the Bible Say About Christmas?, page-21

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    James 1:5

    So if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. The Bible shows Jehovah’s wisdom to be superlative? For example, it says that Jehovah is “wise alone.” (Romans 16:27) Jehovah alone possesses wisdom in the absolute sense. He is the source of all true wisdom. (Proverbs 2:6) That is why Jesus, though the wisest of Jehovah’s creatures, did not rely on his own wisdom but spoke as his Father directed him.—John 12:48-50.

    Naturally, Jehovah’s wisdom is perfectly trustworthy. It is so far above our own wisdom that God’s Word lovingly urges us: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5, 6) Let us now delve into Jehovah’s wisdom so that we may draw closer to our all-wise God.

    Jeremiah 10:23

    I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.

    Wisdom Is Better Than Gold

    Proverbs 16 says that it is better to gain wisdom than gold. Why is godly wisdom so valuable?


    Peace on Earth at Last!

    Only our Creator can solve mankind’s problems, including terrorism. How can we be sure that he will?

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