What exactly is a Religious Cult?

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    What exactly is a Religious Cult?
    There is no precise, universally agreed definition to this question.

    It seems that the term has taken on a derogatory meaning to cover those organisations that are dangerous to others; some family members who don't subscribe to beliefs can be at the highest risk. Cults also seem to be exclusive in that they claim to uniquely enjoy God's favour and often have some sort of doomsday theology which promises some sort of permanent punishment for those who don't join their organisations.

    Should the label "religious cult" be applied to all organisations that appear to be wacky in some sense (a subjective, ill-defined concept) even if they are relatively benign (whatever that means) or just to those that make exclusivity claims which probably means that most religious organisations would qualify for the label.
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