what gillard really thinks

  1. 23,528 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    A great article.

    'Splashed on page after self-serving page, the results flirt with parody. Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper? Yes, under other circumstances she ‘‘could have acted differently’’; but she needed their vote to retain power. The ‘‘unprincipled’’ Tony Abbott, on the other hand, would do ‘‘whatever it takes’’ to gain office.
    Industrial relations? Yes, militants ‘‘occasionally’’ cause trouble; but it is thanks to the unions, which are ‘‘home to selfless decent Australians who uphold the values that have made us the nation we are today’’, that her government was able to prevent ‘‘rorts (by) unscrupulous employers’’.
    And the budget? Yes, the promised return to surplus was a mistake; but her government had it tough. Peter Costello didn’t: his surpluses were delivered when ‘‘it was easy to be Treasurer’’, Gillard tells us, ignoring the debt he inherited, the Asian Financial Crisis and the ‘‘tech wreck’’.'

    Read it all here
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