what happened to our great inventors?, page-2

  1. 79 Posts.
    Very complex even to make the most simplest of statements but here goes lol

    Tesla is one of the super-giants of mankind ... Even today we remain fully immersed in his derivative technologies yet there is very little recognition nor celebration of who this man was ...

    He was blacklisted financially for the last 37 years of his life & has been blacklisted academically ever since & his due credits to science are still not recognised nor celebrated, do you know why?

    Mankind already stands upon his shoulders, the US alone has spent more than +3.5T USD [+/- correct figure] in the last 25 years defining this in direct applications [without mentioning global indirect investments] but many in their lifetimes will only experience this without ever knowing what 'this' is ...
    The altruistic aspects of his inventions, theories, theorums, technologies & intentions will be obfuscated & downplayed as it always has & the real scientific developments & applications that exist only because of him will never be made public & also used in ways he would never condone ...

    An incredibly understated, under-recognised human being that was way before his time [proven by certain assumptions which took more than half a century to even prove existed!!!] triggering reassessments of all his {many} interpolations & extrapolations that has been the catalyst for entire industries ...

    Simply put, spending real agnostical energies into the 'Nikola Tesla' paradigm is encouraged & one of the real mindblowing experiences I have ever had lol but also profoundly saddening when one sees what could have been as is always the case ...

    Anyways, to answer your question, keep an eye on young Master Jacob Barnett, he too has Asperger's Syndrome & quite possibly could be, if allowed & protected, another very unique & wondrous gift to mankind ...

    Warmest regards,
    : )

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