What has happened to Calrisian?, page-21

  1. 150 Posts.
    GPs contributions hey alpha, are these some of the contributions you are referring to? from investorweb

    Title: I disclose not my holdings or investment vehicle to anyone#
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:06:35 PM

    Title: Why not GP it could give you some much needed cred#
    Posted By:DABASIR on 24/01/2002 4:10:39 PM

    Title: credibility I hold, its corruption I expose#
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:12:17 PM

    Title: and why is that GP?
    Posted By:CORALCOA on 24/01/2002 4:12:57 PM

    Title: Not my business GreenPastures but that was pretty impolite
    to Coralcoa & you invite questions like that by throwing stock names around the forum all day. Who knows what you're up to. Hugs & Kisses, HJ.
    Posted By:HeyJude on 24/01/2002 4:13:36 PM

    Title: Yeah well your barking up the wrong tree looking my way!#
    Posted By:CORALCOA on 24/01/2002 4:14:40 PM

    Title: Message for ASIC to investigate ..
    I urge ASIC to investigate CORALCOA fully. I do not hold CST, but posted a supportive post of CST (on purpose) to prove a point that some persons on IW may have access to CONFIDENTAIL investor information that they are not supposed to have. Otherwise why would CORALCOA have asked (or even suggested) if I hold CST? No wonder some of my "strong" stocks have been going down when organically they should have been rising. Another person to investigate is Jabberou and his mates. I suspect they work within the establishment, possibly brokers or more than close ascociation with brokers?

    I have never met a broker for business or for pleasure. Nor have I ever met anyone from an investment forum.
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:18:12 PM

    Title: I have worked for stockbrokers, I know the game#
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:20:00 PM

    Title: And just for the hell of it I have no problems declaring I
    hold CST!
    Posted By:CORALCOA on 24/01/2002 4:21:08 PM

    Title: Really? Then you HAVE met brokers for business LOL #
    Posted By:GroundH0g on 24/01/2002 4:22:57 PM

    Title: that was prior to being an full time investor#
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:25:07 PM

    Title: All the worms are coming out in support of CORALCOA
    Why did not CORALCOA ask if I hold stock that I actually hold ??????? Starge isn't it? A serious case for ASIC imho.
    Posted By:GreenPastures on 24/01/2002 4:27:48 PM

    Title: GP you are being paranoid. I have posted with regards
    to CST and other stocks I hold and it should be quite apparent I have no inside Knowledge! Just look at my previus posts and you will see that!I consequently look forward to a genuine apology because I feel you acted on suspicion and i am certainly innocent!
    Posted By:CORALCOA on 24/01/2002 5:12:02 PM

    Title: I think you are paraniod personally..#
    Posted By:colcap on 24/01/2002 5:16:10 PM

    Title: I repeat........
    nevertheless...asking someone if they hold a share is not grounds for the accusation you made...you owe coralcoa an unreserved apology
    Posted By:HOODAKI on 24/01/2002 5:22:12 PM

    Title: Greenpastures, surely you jest when asking to for another..
    member to be investigated for asking you if you hold a stock, it's a harmles question in an anonymous forum like this, move on.
    Cheers, Colin S.
    Posted By:Colin S on 24/01/2002 5:23:40 PM
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