Jesus was a religious rebel against theold archaic...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Jesus was a religious rebel against the
    old archaic Eye-For-An-Eye religious
    establishment, so Jesus was cruising
    for a bruising from the Establishment.

    What got Jesus crucified was he told
    King Herod: "My kingdom to come
    will be better than your's." Roman
    puppet Herod had murdered two of
    his three sons that he thought might
    depose him. What response did Jesus
    expect: "At last a man like myself
    who believes in power-sharing."

    I'm not into Buddhist Reincarnations
    or Christian Resurrections but Christ
    and Buddha had discovered and had
    given the world the First Spiritual
    Law of humankind. Buddha called
    that law 'Karma'. Jesus called it:
    "As you sow so shall you reap."

    In other words, we inherit our good and
    bad actions in this life. Whether there
    is an afterlife holds no interest for me.
    I leave that to afterlife gurus, hot gospel
    preachers, oracles and assorted seers.

    I have enough trouble trying to fathom
    the ATO's Income Tax Assessment Act.
    Jesus and Buddha won't help me do my
    annual Income Tax Return for 2012-13.

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