"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

    this is just an idea. are these ideas from JC himself or from an evangelist?"

    They are from the Bible that you are happy to quote from when it suits you. If it's it's good enough for you to quote from then it should be good enough for others to use in the same conversation.

    "I say they are ideas because I can see plainly, with my own eyes & mind, there a strong believing Christians that are not purified from sin

    Why do you recommend I deny the reality before my very eyes?

    There are Christian folk who continue to sin, despite their faith

    Are you proposing I am delusional here?"

    On the contrary, I propose that you are seeing those things (but not everything)quite clearly. You're consternation is there because you cannot see the difference between those CLAIMING to be 'Christian' and those who are actually following Christ. As you noted elsewhere people will do all kinds of atrocious things to others and to themselves 'in the name of God' or 'in the name of the Church'. But that's how the animal works isn't it? We are hardwired towards self seeking and the more power we have to to achieve that then the greater will our abuses be. We use 'God', 'religion', 'the greater good' depending on your worldview to try to justify our excesses. And when most people become Christians the mostly just become religious (which misses the whole point) and instead of repenting they merely stick the name of God on their own idolatry. This is not a problem with the Bible or with the truth contained therein, it is a problem with PEOPLE.

    So I'm glad you can see what's really going on with some folk and you're on the right track. My advice is for you to drop all the labels (Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim etc) and just SEE what's there. A persons actions will always reveal what's in their heart (eventually) and from that you can know if they are REALLY in Christ or not.

    “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognise them."

    So when you notice child molesters and warmongers and control freaks you now know what you are truly seeing, and it's not the Christ of the scriptures.
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