What is a cult?

  1. 27,400 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The word “cult” is often used especially in relation to religious groups. Are there special attributes about cults that separate them from other organisations?

    Here are some factors that I feel identify cults.

    Disclosure. Cults do not disclose all details to non-members and even potential members. For example they don't disclose that members can only interact with non-members when evangelising. Cults often evade direct questions that involve what would normally be regarded as damning disclosures.
    The only way. Cults regard their organisations as the only ones that possess the path to salvation.
    The use of fear. Cults use fear as a powerful weapon to achieve compliance of their members. Leaders are feared. Questioning of teachings are ridiculed. Investigation and gathering information outside that prescribed by cults is frowned upon. Books, including the bible are rewritten to conform to the cults' version of the “truth”. The use of threats and /or bribes is often a major tool to achieve compliance.
    Relationships. Cults have a fear of their members thoughts being influenced by non-members over whom they have no control. Cult members are expected to adhere to instructions as to whom they may socialise with even if this involves breaking family relationships such a marriage.

    In summary: Cults have an obsession with controlling its members.

    A test to determine if an organisation is a cult. Ask a question that you know will be difficult to answer while still looking good.

    For example:
    Does your organisation agree that family and friends should be avoided other than to evangelise to them if they refuse to join it (the organisation)?

    If the organisation is a cult, the chances are that you won't get a straightforward and /or truthful answer.
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