what is a good income these days, page-79

  1. 3,795 Posts.
    Must agree with touchfone400 ,

    I have been fortunate enough to have made some pretty reasonable money over the years , nowhere near as much as many here Im sure , but well in excess of what I ever expected .

    However its been though travel that made me sit back and reasess , and I think the lifestyle theme has been the big message I have picked up from this thread ..and how true is that . But I question our world at times , especially when I see a smiling man / woman of 85 in Sth East Asia , with few possesions other than a big smile .

    Who is the real winner ? An individual who busts his/her guts 80+hrs a week ? I have some friends younger than me , he is 40 , she is 29 , combined income 275 + spivs , still paying rent , nice cars , designer label clothes , nice restaurants , etc etc ..enough would never be enough , they sit in bed with lap tops a typing at 11 pm , banging out the final detail for tomorrows meeting ..Arrgghh .. Is this success ? Then I know a reasonably high level state public servant , 250 k +spivs , In the office at 7am , leaves around 6.30 pm , lucky if he gets lunch , he is the opposite .. no flash car , has the house , but wont spend a cracker ! Is this success ?

    Some may argue Im off the point , but I dont believe the question can be answered in black and white terms , you really have to a life .. And I do wonder who will have the better life in the end between my 85 year old man in the village and my other two examples . But one thing for sure if you dont find the balance the money certainly WONT help you .
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