What is a PlexCoin?

  1. 1,873 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 952
    Until only recently, I had no real understanding or want to understand Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. I saw them as nothing more than a temporary alternative form of currency built by isolated geeky computer programmers sitting alone for hours in their self-created bi-numeral heaven surrounded by empty pizza cartons and cans of Mother and Red Bull, based on internet ‘smoke and mirrors, backed’ and run by nothing other than this thing call ‘block chain”. I knew its original main (infamous) use was to purchase product and or services via the ‘darknet’.

    Then I had an ‘epiphany’ moment, or should I say an ‘Ethereum Moment’. A friend of mine started getting in my ear about Ethereum, a crypto currency that allowed you to create ‘small contracts’. I subscribed to various newsletters, read for many hours about this thing called crypto currencies, how it works and basically what its REALLY is all about. Well from those ‘I don’t want to know about it’ days, I’ve done a complete 180 turnaround…………. I’m hooked, because, NOW I get it!

    I became intrigued and looked into it further and deeper. I heard you had to ‘mine’ coins using high powered ‘mining rigs’ made up of the latest GPU cards. The whole process was a massive consumer of electrical power and where I live and get smashed by the local power providers at the rate of 35c AUD per KWH, it meant mining was not profitable before even starting to mine. My best chance of generating growth was to simply invest in ‘coins’ that I considered had the greatest potential to grow (relative to Fiat currencies) over time. So far I have selected those currencies to be Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

    As with all new and disruptive technologies, it pays to get in on the ground floor. Yes, some will fail and some will succeed. For me, being tuned to the market and ready to react is imperative. For my money, Ethereum shows a greater prospect to survival over time due to its ability to issue ‘small contracts’ based on the blockchain.
    One that I have just hear of and due to be released shortly, is PlexCoin.

    What is a PlexCoin?

    "The PlexCoin is a cryptocurrency (private internet currency) that has a value based on the current market. In other words, PlexCoin is an open source worldwide currency entirely decentralized without central authorities. This means that your transactions will not be managed or verified by any traditional banking institutions. Users can now control their own finances privately.

    In comparison to Bitcoin (45 minutes), the transactions (deposit, withdrawal, purchase, sale, transfer) of PlexCoin are faster (30 seconds) to confirm and have an increased storage efficiency.

    The PlexCoin’s new revolutionary operating structure is safer and much easier to use than any other current cryptocurrency."

    The simple fact that you are reading this forum means you are ahead of the curve. You’re your own future sake – stay there! A small investment now in crypto could return you 'multi-baggers' in the future.

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