what is an atheist, page-94

  1. 8,606 Posts.
    Athiests, Theists etc are not ever just one thing, nor do ever only beleive one thing.
    Being an Athiest or whatever does not define the person, it defines their chioces and experiences in life.

    By the way, are you expecting my answer to be one of a person who feels that an absence of GOD or an absense of RELIGION is synonymous with being an Athiest?

    I have gods, but I have no religion.
    Thats an old PAGAN right (not rite) and tradition that religion decided to decimate. Theists decided that if you are to worship something, it is to be a god or a devil and nothing in between. Athiests reject that notion with passion. I know, I am one, among being other things as well. I am many things, it does not define me remember (I say this due to your desire to control some of the responses you were inviting).

    To be an Athiest to me is my hedge against making an outright idiot of myself apon death, after a life of being a yes-man to something that has only ever been a construction of greedy people who wish to control others in order to use them and their money. Thats My reason, others have similar ones and others again have totally different ones.
    Athiests can differ in opinion where a Catholic, Protestant, Muslim can not. We are free of Gods order. We follow natures order.

    That wasnt a hack, that is actually the reason whole hearted reason as to why i am an athiest...its better to be safe than sorry and im safe when i'm not being mind-controlled IMO - which is what a religion does.

    I can worship my Gods - the Sun, the Wind and all the other creators of my world - while personifying them as Deities.

    For example, one thing being worshipped more in this world than God each day is MONEY.
    Being worshipped like a God, but not a God....or is it?
    Can Catholics (for example) do that? Can they worship another God? No. Its in the commandments - Honour thy name and Thou shalt not honour false idols etc etc

    See how flawed Theism is?
    As Catholics, Muslims, C.O.Es, etc who are supposed to all be bound to one God and who are never to honour false idols......gee, its getting a bit cumbersome to dodge the critics.
    Even as Theists, we still honour Lambourghinis, Money, Beauty, Fairies, supposed creators and their sons (suns), sex, property with more commitment and passion than we honour any religious God and yet we say we are devoted to one God?.....see how convoluted it is? - Thats also why I'm an Athiest.


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