First he simply said over a 6 year period,not specific enough for you ? better than some statistics,and taking into account our love affair with budget deficits during a massive massive mining boom during same 6 year period.
The figures he quoted are simple,but they are actual dollars.Of course population and economic output counts,did you get excited by the last quarter set of gdp figures eg finished march,how would they look now if IO remained at the $90 per ton level or less not the 110 to 130 prices during last quarter combined with the massive increase in production capacity and shipments for that quarter what if this quarter they actually decreased. As i said seems heavy reliance on one commodity.
Re population,is your suggestion population increase is adding to GDP,? plse advise the gdp sectors the population increase is adding to,or is the population increase adding more to the welfare/health expenditure of my/his simple figures.