The Japan bashing going on in China at the moment should be...

  1. 5,447 Posts.
    The Japan bashing going on in China at the moment should be looked at closely. It is almost akin to the nazi brownshirts attacking the jews before WW2 in Germany. Is it a signal of future policy by the government? It could be our embassy next or anyone elses. This may be the way China expresses its opinion on its commmercial ambitions, its wish for better deals, more minerals, trading edge, who knows, but it needs to be watched closely. China has not wealded its political might much but has concentrated on its economy and getting its share of world trade. Now that it has reached a significant position it may need to enter the political field to retain what it has achieved. With the US talking of tariffs on their goods, raw materials being rationed because of shortages, and demands for currency adjustments, perhaps the Japan bashing is a signal of China's determination to be recognised on the political scene. We can only hope military movements are not on the agenda too.
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