Croupier, you're right on all counts about this new "China...

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    Croupier, you're right on all counts about this new "China Syndrome"
    It has sprung up suddenly and for what, ostensibly, looks like a trivial matter. Newly published educational books which gloss over the Japanese attrocities to the Chinese during the war and the inability of the Japanese to say "sorry" (just like our Howard) If they are so angry about it why doesn't the Japanese Government simply reprint the school books? So far they said that the books were published by a private Co. What an idiotic, pathetic and meaningless response! Why don't they say "sorry" instead of giving out mealy-mouthed grunts about regrets and "unfortunate circumstances?"
    My feeling is that either another "vicarious" or "proxy" war is about to happen, initiated by someone who wants the Chinese to be thoroughly preoccupied and diverted from another, dirtier game (and have them deflate and weaken their economy in the process) make them show their military hand and their willingness to disclose it
    Or, the whole thing is played out in reverse, ie, it is the Chinese who want the Americans to enter this acrimonious conflict so that it is they who will suffer. The Chinese feel, I think, that Japan is the Israel of their region and if this theory is correct, then they would wish to engage Japan (who supposedly cannot use its military except under direct attack to themselves) so as to draw in America and get it out of Iraq. Why? Perhaps because they probably don't like the advances America is making into all the oil-producing countries and they, China, want a big share of it, since they are a big and ever-growing, ever-more predatory nation.

    OR the whole fuss will all die out soon.

    There's no question about it, the demonstrations are well organised and effective and so it would be hard to believe that ending them would not be bloody, one way or another; but both theories are merely that: theories.
    Either a bloody tzunami is about to hit us or the surf is up.
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