what is god and why should one subscribe, page-35

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    But why did the accident happen in the first place if you are God blessed?

    1. very logical question there

    ddzx. Slight logical flaw there.

    2. definitely no logical flaw. only those not yet complete in virtue have logical flaws

    All your prayers are not answered.

    3. I do not pray or expect to receive things from prayer. That you make false assumptions about another without full knowledge is another failure of virtue

    So that to you says there is no God.

    4. Another failure of virtue. I said there is no God that creates the universe; that such a God will not bring us physical food if we merely pray for it; that such a concept of such as "God" is manufactured by the activity of human mental thought

    No, all that shows is that no one up there is interested in listening to you.

    5. speaking false things is not virtue. if there was a God that created the universe & like a father loved all of their creation, they would listen to everyone. A quality of true virtue is impartiality & unconditional love. Thus, if such a God existed & such a God was truly virtuous, they would listen to everyone who needed them.

    A high degree of spiritial merit/virtue is necessary first.

    6. This is illogical. I will explain with logical truthfulness why. Pleaes note truthfulness is a virtue.

    7. Here goes. A person with a high degree of virtue, merit & integrity would not have to pray for food, since a person of high virtue would easily find a job or provide a social service where appreciative people (devotees) would be happy to feed them. This is why your point of view is illogical & not virtuous. Because virtuous people do not need to pray.

    If you keep asking your biological father for a harley motorbike and he doesnt buy you one, you have no father? Err....hello.....

    8. This example has not relevance. It is not applicable.

    9. If I need to eat food & I pray for it, there is no God that is the creator of this universe to bring me food.

    10. For example, when Buddha was seeking the truth, he practised the wrong way in his seeking & nearly died from starvation. Legend states a young woman found him & gave him food. No God fed him.

    11. Similarly, when Jesus allegedly fasted in the desert for 40 days, after his ordeal, the Bible said "angels" came to help him. The angels would have been The Essenes or other mystics. A God that created the universe did not come to help Jesus. Only angels.

    12. Your argument would be better expressed: "If you asked your biological father to build you a Harley, he could not deliver because he was unable to. Similarly, there is no God able to feed you.

    13. When a lack of virtue is so great a person will not even know what virtue is. They will make up all kinds of falsehoods & allegations, & worse, exalt themself to be more deserving than others.

    14. For example, if the God you speak of is actually real then why does this God not feed all of millions of innocent starving & dying children in the world? Why does this God feed you but not feed all of the poor oppressed starving children in Africa, Asia or even in outback Australia?

    15. Thus, not only do you fabricate & claim a God to exist that does not exist, but you fabricate a God in your own image, i.e., a God so lacking in virtue that it does not feed poor starving innocent oppressed children but, instead, ignores their cries & pains and watches them miserably starve to death or be sold into prostitution or slavery.

    16. Err....hello.....but next you will be telling us these innocent children have their fate due to a lack of virtue, because of some karma committed in a past life. Whatever.

    17. A mind that is virtuous cares for all; without discrimination. For example, I, myself, ddzx, am prepared to give to anyone who asks me, if they are in genuine need.

    18. Therefore, I, myself, ddzx, must have infinitely more virtue than this all powerful & all knowing god your claim to exist that ignores the cries of millions of starving children & allows them to suffer & die.

    You as a carnal human being have no more significance than a grain of sand on ninety mile beach.

    19. Possibly. So?

    You have to make yourself worthy of help.

    20. Non-sense. False. Wrong. As I correctly & virtuously pointed out in the beginning, the Worthy Ones are not in need of help. You are completely illogical here.

    21. Because you yourself are totally illogical, you demonstrated a lack of virtue by making the false allegation that ddzx has a logical flaw

    22. ddzx has no logical flaw but it is you, yourself, that has a logical flaw

    23. this lack of logic comes from a lack of virtue.

    24. because people lack virtue, they need the help of the virtuous

    25. thus Jesus, for example, said: "I have come for the sick (sinners) and not for the respectable (virtuous)"

    Because you are illogical here, Ive had staggering things happen. A lot of them. I know others who have too. A lot.

    26. whatever happened to you was not the doing of a God that created this universe

    The common lack of any significant higher rational ability in most of the human race, is on daily display in blogs and letters to the editor.

    27. so? this has nothing to do with a 'God' or a 'Satan'

    I dont know how most of these people survive.

    28. they survive because natural equips them to survive.

    Probably only because they are directed in what to do by people smarter than themselves.

    29. really? I would say they learn; they evolve

    He is a fool, who says in his heart there is no God.

    30. I have demonstrated with 29 points above who is the real fool.

    31. in my heart, I can truly say: "There is no God".

    32. in my heart, I can truly say: "There is only the mind; there is only ignorance & learning; and all happiness & suffering are dependent on the mind & not on a God".

    33. if there was a God, then a fool would not be required to say there is a God with his heart. instead, God would simply appear before the fool's eyes.

    Why? Because there is not the slightest evidence that could ever be put forward to support such a proposition.

    34. there is no evidence for any 'God', apart from the forces & impacts in nature that create Natural Law

    A fool is commonly hung on his own noose.

    35. A fool is hung by a lack of true knowledge, that is all.

    36. Avoiding such hanging (suffering) is dependent on the mind & wisdom & not dependent on God


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