what is god and why should one subscribe, page-40

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    Krishna....The God....

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    But Krishna claimed and declared himself “God”. Krishna always claimed that if you wish to see and worship “God” then ....“I am the God, worship “Me” only... I am a human form of God”. Whenever and wherever there is decline in righteousness, at that time, I manifest “Myself” upon the Earth. I am the cause ...of all causes... Only fools doubts about my human form of God...I am the supreme nature as the Ultimate Controller of all living entities...I am imperishable and Ultimate...I am the father of the Universe...Every living creature born from the womb of every species. I am the father...I infuse the embryo of individual and every species of life is generated...The ignorant in this world does not understand me...Earth is the most evolved material planets of all the trillions of Universes...I have created the Fire and heat of the Sun and illumination of whole the universe with the light of the moon..., Always think of me and worship me and you will reach me...Four types of people worship me,... distressed--seeker of knowledge--desirer of wealth and men of wisdom... I am the Lord of Lords...Surrender unto me but such a great soul is very rare...The depraved, the foolish and lower level of humanity don’t worship me...Hire a spiritual Messenger (Guru), devote to him and gain wisdom....Krishna also claimed that “from time to time I have sent Messengers to preach the humanity to worship “Me” only. (he named the Messengers in Bhagavad-Gita. a Sermon to Arjuna during the war) He also claimed “Even you pray and worship “My” Messengers,..... ultimately you are worshipping “Me” through them. Krishna also claimed that “ I destroy the Universe “at my will” and then starts anew repeatedly“....My activities to create and maintain the Universe, never bind me, I am neutral and unattached to these activities of the Universe...Krishna also suggested that if the humans spend their balanced life then they are free from misery...Krishna warned that at the end of cycle of 4 billion 320 million years, I destroy whole the universe and starts anew....

    Breath control incoming and outgoing...Reducing food intake chapter 4 verse 29...
    Humans come into being from food, food is produced from rainfall, I am the source of that rainfall. chapter 3 verse 14...Vedic scriptures originate from me chapter 3 verse 15....
    If I cease to perform prescribed duties for the benefit of the living beings, then the life in this world will be destroyed chapter 3 verse 24....One in perfect knowledge should not should not disturb those unintelligent lacking knowledge chapter 3 verse 29.....No one is able to cause the destruction of imperishable soul chapter 2 verse 17).....The embodied soul is eternal, indestructible and infinite, only the material body is factually perishable, therefore, fight O Arjuna Chapter 2 verse 18......The soul never slays nor is slain chapter 2 verse 19....The soul never take birth and never dies at any time nor does it come into being again when the body is created. The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable, timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed chapter 2 verse 20....Weapons cannot harm the soul, fire cannot burn the soul, water cannot wet and air cannot dry the Soul chapter 2 verse 23.....Oh Arjuna, created being before birth is unknown, between birth and death is known, after death is again unknown, therefore why you feel sorry and lament to kill your enemy chapter 2 verse 28.....Oh Arjuna, the senses....Lust, Anger, Greed, Love, Pride...are so terbulent, they can forcibly lead astray the mind of even a vigilant person of sound judgment chapter 2 verse 60....Attachment of the senses, desire is born, from desire anger arises, From anger delusion occurs from delusion bewilderedness, after forgetfulness of memory the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence one perishes, chapter 2 verse 61.....The lower animal eating members of the humanity...chapter 5 verse 18...The person who is able to neutralize in this life, the physical, mental and emotional urges generated from desire and passion, before the death of the body, he is fully self controlled and certainly happy person...chapter 5 verse 23....Those sears of truth, whose doubts have been dispelled, devoid of all sins, engaged in self realization and who are always concerned for the spiritual welfare of all living beings, achieve liberation in the Ultimate Truth...chapter 5 verse 25...That person expelling from the mind unnecessary external sense objects, fixing the eyes between the eyebrows, practicing the suspension of the breath control in the inhalation and exhalation of the air flowing through the nostrils, such a person is in control of his senses, mind and spiritual intelligence, being so dedicated to liberation, devoid of desire, fear and anger this wise one is certainly always factually liberated....chapter 5 verse 27....Thus knowing me as the most worhsipable beneficiary of offering sacrifices and austerities the Ultimate Controller of all planes of existence and the demigods thereof and the most merciful benefactor of living entities achieves perfect peace....chapter 5 verse 29....For the being who have conquered the mind, that beings mind is the best of friends, but for one whose mind is uncontrolled, that very mind acts as worse of enemies....chapter 6 verse 6.....Holding the body, head and neck straight, unmoving and stable, gazing upon the tip of the nose, and not glancing in any direction, fix in the bow of celibacy, with the unagitated mind, fearless and completely subduing the mind upon Me, as the ultimate Goal.....chapter 6 verse 13,14......Oh Arjuna...the science of uniting the individual Consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness, never occur for one who eats too much or one who eats too little, now also for one who sleep too much or sleeps too little. Regulated in eating and recreation, regulated in discharging prescribed duties for self malignance, regulated in sleeping and wakefulness, one by the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Cautiousness is able to mitigate all misery ....chapter 6 verse 16......For one who sees Me everywhere, and sees everything in me, I am never forgotten by them and they are never forgotten by Me....chapter 6 verse 30....Be aware that everything living are manifested by these two energies of Mine, I am the creator, the sustainer and the destroyer of all the worlds. Oh Arjuna there is nothing superior to Me, everything existing in connected to Me like pearls on a thread chapter 7 verse 6....Oh Arjuna, try to understand Me as the eternal origin of all living entities, I am the wisdom of the spiritually intelligent and the prowess of the powerful...chapter 7 verse 10....This complete universe is deluded by the threefold conditions of the modes of the external energy, certainly no one knows Me, who is beyond them, Immutable and Supreme...The depraved, the foolish and the lower level of humanity do not surrender unto Me,...All these persons are certainly worthy, but in My opinion the man of wisdom is the one with Me because of he is situated solely in self-realization of Me as the highest attainment...Oh Arjuna, the mighty armed descendent of Bharta, I know equally the past, present and future of all living life forms, but no one knows Me....Oh Arjuna, the commencement of universe creation all forms of life are in delusion by the illusions of duality born of desire and aversion, O conqurer of enemies...Those who endeavor for liberation from old age and death take shelter of Me, such persons learn the Ultimate Truth, the embodied self and the entire subject of action and reaction...Chapter 7...O Arjuna, the persons devoid of faith in the righteousness of this devotion, unable to obtain Me, undergo repeated rebirth on the deadly path of this miserable material existence. All the universes are pervaded by Me, in an imperceptibly subtle manifestation and all living entities find their support in Me, I am not supported in them...Oh Arjuna. all created living beings enter into My nature at the end of 4 billion 320 million years cycle, and after another 4billion and 320 million cycle, I generated them all again...I am equally disposed to all living entities, they are neither friend nor foe to Me, bit who with loving sentiments render devotional service unto Me, such persons are in Me and I am in them....Oh Arjuna, even those who may be born from the degraded women, merchants and menials, if they take full shelter in Me they also reach the Supreme Goal...Be ever conscious of Me, be My devotee, worship Me, offer obeisance unto Me, in this way completely dedicating mind and body unto Me, having Me for the Supreme Goal, you will certainly reach Me... Chapter 9 ...
    O Arjuna, neither the demigods and nor the great sages understand My divine transcendental appearance, because I am the original source of the demigods and of the great sages in every respect...One who knows Me as birth less, biginningless and the supreme controller of all the worlds, he being undeluded mortals is delivered from all sins...The seven great sages: Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Kratu and Vasishta in earlier ages: Also the four Manus: Svayambhuma, Svarochita, Kaivata and Uttama all manifested from my mental impulses originating from Me, populated all existing progeny in material universes...To those devotees so dedicated unto Me, I bestow the spiritual intelligence....Arjuna said, Oh Krishna, Oh greatest of all personalities, Oh origin of all origins, Oh Lord of all beings, Oh Lord of all Gods, Oh Lord of the Universe, only you personally know Yourself by Yourself...Krishna said, Oh Arjuna, I shall explain to you only the divine personal majestic, opulences which are prominent since there is no end to My extensive glories...Oh Arjuna, and whatever the root cause of all living entities, I am that also, there is nothing which is moving or stationary, in all the creations, that exists without Me...Chapter 10.....
    Arjuna said, By this Supremely confidential instructions, regarding the wisdom of the Self, which being merciful unto me, was spoken by You, this illusion of mine is dispelled...Oh Krishna, verily it is all heard by me the creation and dissolution all living entities also Your imperishable glories as well... Oh greatest of all personalities, I wish to see Your omnipotent Majestic form. Please show me Your imperishable ultimate Self to me....O Arjuna, Now I shall show you my hundreds of transcendental forms and colors of Mine....I now shall show you My innumerable wonders never seen before....But with these present eyes of yours, you would not be able to see Me, so I grant you the divine sight to see my transcendental powers....Oh Arjuna, behold at once the universe of moving and stationary beings situated in only one part in this body of mine and whatever else you wish to see....Revealing innumerable wonders, innumerable mouths and eyes, decorated with innumerable dazzling ornaments, armed with innumerable gleaming weapons, magnificently attired and resplendently garlanded, anointed with exquisite. celestial fragrances, completely amazing and phenomenal, unlimited, brilliant and all pervading...Then and there Arjuna son of Pandu, descendent of Bharta could see the complete Universe, variously divided and situated , situated in one place within the universal form of Lord Krishna, the Lord of all Lords...There after being overwhelmed with amazement, with his bodily hairs standing on end due to great ecstasy. Arjuna with his body offered obeisance unto Lord Krishna, and began to speak with folded hands.....Arjuna said, O Lord, I have seen within Your body all the demigods also all diverse species of living entities, all the divine sages and serpents, Siva and Brahma seated on lotus flower.....Again I say that there is no beginning, no middle and no end of You....You are the Supreme Ultimate Truth knowable by the Vedic scriptures, You are the only support of this Universe, You are imperishable preserver of eternal righteousness, You are everlasting Supreme Ultimate Personality. This is my conviction....I see You without beginning, middle or end of Yours...Verily the space between the heavens and Earth and all directions are pervaded by you alone. All the planets tremble in fear and so do I....Oh Krishna, Lord of all gods, Oh refuge of all the worlds, be merciful unto me....Arjuna could see all of his enemies, Dhrisntra and his hundred sons, their Generals are being devoured into the mouth of Lord Krishna....All the Universes and Planets are trembling with fear...Krishna said to Arjuna, that no enemy of yours will be spared situated to your opposing army....Krishna said to Arjuna that you will surely conquer your enemies in this war, But you have to fight, Go and slay your enemies now....Arjuna now agreed with Krishna for the fight and he prepared himself for the war with his own will....Now Arjuna requested Krishan, please be merciful to show me Your former form....Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, being pleased I have shown you by me divine potency of uniting your individual consciousness with My Ultimate Consciousness,, this supreme universal for of Mine, gloriously effulgent, infinite, primal which no one has seen before except you.....O Arjuna, neither study of Vedic scriptures or performance of sacrifice, now charity, nor pious activities, nor severe austerities can I be seen this in this form in the material worlds , except by you....Be no longer afflicted with fear and bewilderment by seeing My universal form of such horrible features free from fear and of cheerful mind, you verily will perceive again this former form of Mine...Lord Krishna speaking in this way to Arjuna, exhibited His four armed form and then again appearing in the beautiful two armed form as the Ultimate Personality pacified his fears....Arjuna said. Oh Krishna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure...Lord Krishna said, This transcendental two armed form of Mine which you did see in very rarely ever seen, even the demigods, eternally aspire for a glimpse of this form of Mine...I cannot be seen in this eternal form by study of the Vedas, nor by severe penance, nor be charity, now by grand ritual and ceremonies is it possible to see Me as you are....Chapter 11...

    Lord Krishna said, of those who're endowed with firm faith of a special kind beyond material conceptions, fixing the minds on Me, always engaged exclusively worshipping Me, They are considered by me the most superior of all...But those who worship the indescribable all- pervading, inconceivable, immutable, constant , eternal, impersonal. absolute, devoid of perceptible from and attributes completely controlling all the senses with spiritual intelligence equally disposed to everything and dedicated to the welfare of all living entities, they certainly also achieve Me....Oh Arjuna, of these persons whose minds are absorbed in thoughts of Me, I become their delivered without delay from the ocean of death in the material existence...Concentrate the mind upon Me, apply spritual intelligence for Me, verily you will reside with Me after this existence without doubt....O Arjuna, if therefore you are unable to completely establish the mind steadfastly in Me, then try to obtain Me by reciting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness by remembering Mr....And if in the practice of remembering Me, you are also unfit then be dedicated in the performance of duties for My satisfaction you will achieve perfection...Knowledge is superior to practice, meditation is considered better than knowledge renouncing the results actions than medication, verily by such renunciation comes tranquility....The devotee of Mine who is non-envious possessing benevolence towards all living entities, compassionate with no sense of proprietor ship, free from false ego, equal in distress and happiness, forgiving the always content one perfecting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness self- controlled with unflinching determination, dedicating mind and spiritual intelligence up Me is very dear to Me....From one whom any person is never disturbed and one who is never disturbed from any person and who is freed from mundane pleasers, anger, fear and anxiety, such a one is very dear to Me......That devotee of Mine who is desire less, pure, expert, free from worry, free from agitation, unconcerned with any mundane endeavor, such a one is very dear to Me.....Chapter12...
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