What is God's Kingdom?, page-585

  1. 23,811 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Mick mate,...........more than once now, you have been given the opportunity to stand up and be counted and with a simple exercise, quote the post of mine you first cried (parroted about) and prove your case.

    All you have displayed thus far is, your a member of the Parrot Association.
    My advice would be to resign forthwith, Look for yourself, you know, use your own mind.

    I looked and saw your posts with reference to what Copo asked.
    Now I could do what you do and go, bla, bla and bla, but no, this is what you think and hold onto, so be it, it works for you.
    So,.......just think for a minute,...............and now,... I would like to think,..I need say no more in that regard?


    I note you gave a pretty, what you might say, a bold statement regarding some faiths.
    If you knew enough of many overall messages in the Bible, what you saying should be expected and the answers for it are also covered in the Bible.
    However, many will spit fire and brimstone, if you dare mention them (the references) what.pngwink.png
    You were born in Fremantle,..........is that the Freo as in the West?

    I was born in Fremantle,...Hospital that is.
    Back in the days when the Dad to be, would drop off the Mum to be and come back when Mum and bub were ready to come home lol.
    None of this hanging around.

    The kids that were already on the scene, were generally landed at various relies places, like a holiday, TV and all lol.

    Our mailing address back in those days,......Number such and such and Road etc, Number 2 Truck, Via South Fremantle.
    Mail came via the Milk Truck as did the paper.
    (Milk can days).
    Phone Number - 233.

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