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    .Amazing, it would appear, because I don't follow the tradition of men,

    Ok we have established that you believe the Trinity doctrine to be the tradition of men.
    You can't be convinced otherwise.
    You follow up that it comes from the antichrist and therefore any suggestion of it is of the antichrist.

    and what Jesus represents etc = amazing why people jump to these strange conclusions?By what you just posted, raises alarming questions?

    Yeah I'm sure it does.
    Why would I post tradition by men and antichrist material?

    That (your post) and much much more IS represented in my post to YOU, and it appears, it flew right by?17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You, the Only True God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ......and God was the Word,............Jesus now for one of the Key roles he did, to represent this -> has the name, called the word of God.Meaning we have -> The Word and The Word of God, 2 there art in Heaven.(I gave them the Name of you ch 17, what name?)Jesus was to Inherit a name, what do you think it comes from -> The Word.

    I moved on from the Word aspect of the Trinity because you find it unacceptable and there is no point moving on any further with it.
    I gave comparisons of the representation of the Trinity with us in the first Eden followed up with representation of the Father and the Lamb (Son) and the little dog gone Spirit in the Eden Restored passages.
    You have gone back to the Word discussion of Genesis 1 and John 1.
    This is Genesis 3 and Revelation 22 we are discussing.

    So all that those names represent, comes within this 17:3.Are you still with US 7, 8, & 6 ? lol.---------------You just can't be there without the Holy Spirit!
    YOU ripper, where on the same page with THOSE words.

    The difficulty with this statement is when I posted the Eden Restored passages you asked distinctly,

    Tell me then, I can blaspheme re Jesus, but Not the Holy Spirit, hmmmmmmm thinking, thinking, hmm, someone missing, hmmm Oh that's right the Father.Hmmm so does that mean I can Blaspheme the Father ???

    Oh where oh where has that little dog gone, oh where oh where can he be.............Dog being the god the Holy Spirit that appears to have done a runner in the verses you quoted.

    Do you get that, you asked where the Holy Spirit was in the Eden Restored passages?
    But now you are saying we are on the same page like you knew my explanation the Holy Spirit being there, all the time.
    The little dog gone oh where or where can he be.........
    Are you serious?
    I'm tellnya there's a kangaroo loose in the top paddock and it's after a little dog that isn't there because He is in the Restored Eden with all the believers.

    However, you need the First Milk to get this Spirit, the area I keep pushing, crawl before you can walk.If a young calk doesn't get the first milk, you have serious problems,.......Houston!

    No mate, the serious problems are with you because it is obvious if the believers are in the Restored Eden they have long moved on from drinking milk and eating raw liver, become intoxicated with copious amounts of spirit and have attained adoption into the family of God.
    They are there, not in Houston mate, that's where they launch rockets.
    They are in the Restored Eden. It's another stratosphere away from Houston. They are not even close!
    Your GPS (Gospel Positioning System) is out of whack!

    Spirit the God is,........there is but ONE SPIRIT and that IS the HOLY SPIRIT and Jesus identifies this as the Almighty God and Father,

    Are there not the three of them at Eden Restored with the servants and nations of God?

    the Only True God.1 & 2 Cor, interchanges God and the Holy Spirit, dwelling in you, Temple -> NOT two dwelling in one there.Hence in the verses you mention here, no Spirit referenced as coming from the throne, or sitting there as this Spirit is God.

    wotsup I never said the Holy Spirit was coming from the throne. I said it is in the believers who have obviously weened of milk and raw liver, became intoxicated with copious amounts of spirit and came into adoption the family of God as evidenced by the Romans 8 passages I posted.

    The word of God is what's flowing, Jesus gives an example of the word of God flowing like rivers out of one.Any eating etc, in the verses you ref, is the word of God.Jesus's in dwelling is not ref there, another matter etc. (Cor)Basically, you have not ID'd God or Jesus,

    I've not identified God or Jesus?
    Are you for real?
    These are the passages:

    Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Jesus) 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb (Jesus) will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

    Mate, they are distinctly there. Maybe looking to which way your dog chasing kangaroo might be, but they are there in Eden Restored.

    so how can you expect the Holy Spirit, the Truth verses I posted makes it very clear, what Must be. ----------------Having the Spirit of Jesus.

    I suppose we agree on that, that they must have the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Truth to be in restored Eden.
    But only after they have weened of milk and raw liver and become completely intoxicated with spirits.

    Lets say, I know all about you and your ways,

    What ways may that be?
    It mustn't be good if they seem to point out the Trinity doctrine.

    I accept them, take them on board, live them = I have the spirit of you in me.

    Oh, right the spirit of me.

    OT peoples are said to of had the spirit of Jesus in them and yet no literal spirit of him existed then.That is in reference to the plan of the future one, hence they walked in that spirit, plan.Hence the likes of his words, He and the Father in each other.Your words, if there your words, are the spirit of You.Hence, we are to test ones spirit, words, like we are doing.

    Don't hop around the bush chasing little dog gones, come out with it!

    -------------Life Through the Spirit -> meaning -> 1:13 - Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.ONE Spirit.-----------Now then, what will be the results of these falsehoods, I am not sure?????????????

    Oh, I'm pretty sure you are sure!

    OT passages, appear to suggest,

    Yeah, yeah, what do they suggest?

    this goes on,.... right up until the end?

    Oooo we're getting close, real close!

    So, I won't be the one pointing the finger and saying, your this or your going here or there, so to speak.

    C'mon spit out your poison!
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