What is God's Kingdom?, page-884

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So now you are saying that Jesus is just a Prophet.

    Are you suggesting, Yahweh God, lied to Moses by omissions, or just out-rightly lied?

    I must say and this is not to mock but, as a friend in Jesus etc.
    But I must say, I am astounded to see this post, for a range of reasons, first, where have you been all this time?
    For you to ask me the first question here, suggests either, my many posts have flown by you, you have not understood them, which includes many Bible passages, OR you have read bugger all of my posts.
    Next option, your seeing, but you are not.
    Like driving a car down the road, but your actually looking out the side window.

    But having said this, I totally understand and cannot stress enough, I have been down that very road.
    I seriously don't think you have a Full grasp of how the Power of set seeds WILL influence, not maybe's, but Will.

    Due 18:18 - I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
    Heb 1;1-2 - God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
    Hath in these last days spoken unto us IN Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the worlds;

    What IS that telling you here, NO, forget about what's been fed to you, WHAT is being said?
    Would Moses have even thought, this future one existed in spirit form or the likes, NO, would Moses have thought such, other than a plan IN God, just AS we see in Eph 3:9?

    So now you are saying that Jesus is just a Prophet.

    Not to me he isn't, but I find such statements as rather shocking, belittling to Jesus, in so, so many ways.
    The above is very clear, as are many passage, no pre-existing spirit etc.
    2nd Adam -> Man, but Jesus was not formed of the dust.
    Fact remains though, he has pretty much come about via the same or similar ways as all creation, from God who is this ONE Spirit the Holy.

    God was well pleased with this 2nd Adam, man Jesus, raised him over many years, begat him etc.
    Gave the man Jesus, Spirit/Word/light without measure, meaning, the fullness of the God Head, Almighty God and Father in Jesus.
    When sent into the world, after baptism, when Jesus then spoke, not only was he in the Image of God, but became the Express Image.
    ...and God was the Word...........expressed out God.
    Seen (heard) me, seen (heard) the Father.
    Grasp John 14:10 and Acts 2:22, God did the miracles etc, through Jesus.

    Jesus -> that which born is flesh is flesh............................He spoke the Fathers words, Spirit. (Don't confuse that with how Jesus came into being, different context).
    That in itself, should be singing out to you, why he was speaking the Fathers words.
    Jesus the Word you say, ya what??????????????????

    Now then, "Just a man" you say;
    THINK on that one mate, LOOK what this man achieved, it is HUGE and to suggest he pre-existed, is to GROSSLY lower his achievements imo.
    OH yes I know, all sorts are running around in your mind, well STOP, WHO planted that thinking in there and BE Honest with yourself?

    If as I say, he only began as the 2nd Adam and considering what he achieved, are YOU trying to tell us, that was not good enough, if that is what he is and was????????????
    Would you not approve of this?
    Does it not demonstrate, one Whooper of an achievement?
    Is in not Man that God's trying to get his word in?
    Is and was not Jesus a good example then, as to what man can do if he draws upon God?


    Do you honestly think that God can just reveal himself and live, plus, people will see him as he.
    Or do you think that God can just speak and everyone will understand Him and his Word, Words.

    In order for man to understand he had to communicate the "Word" to us at a human level, in human language and His death and Resurrection also along with everything Jesus done had to be at a human level to have any substance and understanding at all, as the bible says, The Word became Flesh, and it was God's own blood Acts 20 :28 that purchased the Church, but who died on the cross, it was Jesus, not a prophet, that in itself is telling us who Jesus was.
    Not much to cover here, most will fit into the above.

    Now then, it would appear out of ONE verse and disregard for numerous others, that your going to make or feed me a creation via man, of this Blood verse.
    Yea and doesn't have the same old ring to the creation via the CC on the Bread and wine eek.png
    If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.

    Psa 2:7 - I will declare the decree: Yahweh hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
    Matt 3:17 - And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

    We are to be begotten as well, so that clearly defines what begotten means.
    If your blood gets spilled after you are begotten, which clearly means, you are OF God, then God's blood was spilled.
    To step away from that clear intended meaning, is to produce words of another spirit and not of God and of Jesus for that matter.

    In beginning was the Word..............1 John 1;1-2 That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
    For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.

    In beginning was the Word;.........
    The word of life -> that, that, and that -> a plan for a Jesus 1:14, Gens creation 1:3 and more of the word of life, known as Glory which came in and out of the Temple, Glory, word, as only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and TRUTH. 1:14, 17:22 etc and that was Spirit and words of eternal life, given to the 2nd Adam, Man Jesus who You suggest was Just a man.

    Produced a Man lower than angels, why one might ask, would there not been an angel claiming, well God, you made me, so perfect etc and yet you blame me????
    Is God showing, well,......I'll show You???

    Goodness me Ppm, you know we have all these differing Christians, WHAT are their Key common links, Roots from the CC's.
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