What is God's Kingdom?, page-926

  1. 24,885 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I must say, I am rather surprised at your response and an uncalled for one to boot.
    I thought I made it very clear, twice in fact, that I was seeking your thought on an area I was looking at, for myself.

    As for me thinking you an idiot = opposite.
    My comment, OH NO, here I am giving You the s....'s again, a little humor as dry as it may have been.
    So,..I was sort of downing myself, if anyone.

    So, I would like your thoughts, not for a debate, just something for myself.

    Well, it's a little obvious
    that you do wish to lead this into a debate.

    Translation -> your a liar what.png
    Not part of my make up.
    We are being watched over and I don't take that lightly.
    You appear to be what one might say, steps out of the square, so to speak.

    I stepped out of the mortal body, so to speak.
    I thought I made that much clear.
    But I'm smart enough to look to see if my thinking aligns
    with tradition from apostles and saints,
    before proclaiming something as truth about the inspired Word of God.

    Possibly my writing, but you appear to have misread what I meant here.
    I saw your post re stepping out etc and thought, you don't generally see the likes of that being spoken of, hence out of the square, the norm so to speak.
    But, not in a negative aspect.
    So, if anything, it was seeing it in the Good context as not many can do that and I can see the benefits etc, that you briefly said it brings.
    So good on you.

    The rest of your comment on this area, as I previously said, I didn't come down in the last shower, I can read between the lines, and it is uncalled for.
    We are warned in no uncertain terms, to watch out for the tradition of Men.
    BUT,.....apparently, most immediately think, oh,........that's referring to them over there, so to speak.
    Really, 30,000 odd thousand of so different Christian faiths, coming from One Book = Houston, this is Not of God, but tradition of men.
    Odd though, you appear to have stepped out of the Tradition of men etc -> Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
    Most say it Jesus and it is very clear, this ones name is called, The Word of God.

    Now that where here, not intended, the fact it says no one knows this name, should sound alarm bells.
    And imo, we shouldn't be thinking, what if's running around our minds as I would say the answers are in the Bible.
    Some of your comments on this one,..........a little mystifying?
    But apparently, your out of this one, so I won't go there.

    Tip, there is a Key to many Bible passages and if I was to put in in one -> Word...............Alpha Omega - A - Z, for word, words? wink.png
    Find it mate and read the new Bible lol.

    Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting good news (Flesh) to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
    I take it you realize the Sword coming from the mouth is in ref to the word of God?

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