What is God's Kingdom?, page-11

  1. 23,269 Posts.
    There it is again, different interpretations of verse causing confusion....If the verse does not mean 'the kingdom of God is within' the believer, there would need to be an external agent who applies the rule of God, but the verse does not mean that. It means that the kingdom of god is within the believer, hence a shared state between believers. If it is 'amongst you'....where is it?

    Jesus was not 'the kingdom of God. Jesus promised a momentous return to usher in the Kingdom of God in the near future (within the lifetime of that generation). So when he reportedly spoke the words, that the kingdom of God is within you (or among you), was the kingdom of god invisible? Is the kingdom of god undetectable? Amongst the people but nobody can see, hear or feel it? Like it was not there at all?
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