I think many people know what it is but they might often attempt...

  1. 8,606 Posts.
    I think many people know what it is but they might often attempt to say they know what it isnt.
    Its also about doing nothing about the issue and allowing its oppression to evolve - underground or above.
    For example, some ask if being loyal is racist...but its about ignorance of issues that apply to all, where the ignorance is moulded to islote a particular group.

    What is race? Thats another good question...Are Jewish people a race? Do Jews have genes that differ from Anglosaxon, Eastern and Native Aborigines (3 so called races of man)? Am i being racist by isolating them in this question?
    Its about intention... and foregone conclusion in my opinion. Its a big feild that no one understands fully. However it is easy to spot pointless isolating of a race and to wonder if the person who does it is aware of why they did it.

    Excerpts from Websters Online Dictionary -(fairly concise)

    Origins of racism
    Racism may have originated as an extension of feelings of loyalty to family. People may see a race as an extended family, and have loyalties to their own as they would to their own family, tribe, clan, or nation. This often translates to a distrust and dislike of "out-groups". Members of other groups have seemingly repugnant customs and speak unfamiliar languages, which can lead to distrust and even contempt. In addition, there have been many historical ethnic conflicts between various groups, which cause members of each group to regard the other with resentment, disdain, and even hatred, often lasting centuries.

    In more recent times there have been heavily disputed scientific studies of race which indicate that certain inherited traits, such as skin color, are correlated to other characteristics of the individuals bearing those traits, such as intelligence. Thus, a racist or racialist might refer to these alleged correlations to justify their sentiments, beliefs, or behaviors. One might hold that most (or all) members of a given race share undesirable mental or moral qualities, seeing an entire ethnic or racial group as being inferior to members of one's own group. This is a very controversial subject; see race and intelligence for a discussion of the IQ controversy. Also see race for a discussion of the concept of race, which itself is often brought into question.

    It is not clear to what extent these scientific ideas about race, which are fairly recent (originating in the 19th century) and thus had no role in older instances of racism, influence racism today.Racism,
    Racism may be expressed individually and consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequalities among "races". Although some speakers attempt to express a semantic distinction by using the word racism rather than racialism (or vice versa), many treat the terms as synonymous (see below).

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