"There you go again, completely glazing over my points. Dual...

  1. 19,142 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    "There you go again, completely glazing over my points. Dual household incomes, but by your logic only applicable in Australia. If not, what am I missing?

    Is Australia the only country with a significant increase in dual income households?"
    I answered the question asked - not necessarily in the way you wanted but is was answered none the less. I have never said dual incomes were only applicable to Australia, and yes it is likely a strong contributor to other countries rises where their population behaves in a similar way to us. The massive drops in price in the US for example is because of the massive change in interest rates, the ability to hand back the keys and walk away from a mortgage, and overall instability in the US economy resulting in massive job losses. Last I checked our interest rates were not that high, we can't just hand back the keys, and our un-employment rate is not sky-rocketing.

    "Nobody is disputing that if a household suddenly gets a second income, they can afford more, that's basic logic. To suggest someone doesn't understand this would be naive."
    Fine glad that you appreciate that as many that post here don't seem to understand that.

    "My problem with your claim is you seem to imply it's a recent occurrence. The year is 2010, the liberation of women allowing them to enter the workforce en-masse happened decades ago. Why would you think numbers entering the workforce, giving rise to dual income households, had spiked in the last ten years - to coincide with the boom? By what approximate margin have dual incomes increased household income in the last ten years, say to the nearest 10%?"
    Sure the liberation of women occurred decades ago but the vast majority of Gen X and later Gen Y are the first generations containing of fully liberated women. Hence a significant increase of women fully participating in the work force. These generations have come into full force in terms of the housing market around the late 90's and 2000s. Before that despite liberation many women were more likely to stay home or at least work less - purely because of their generational upbringing.
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