"The permanent Muslim refugee crisis will never stop being our...

  1. 3,267 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 140
    "The permanent Muslim refugee crisis will never stop being our crisis unless we close the door."

    We don't want them.
    We don't need them.
    They are a drain on our economy and social services.
    They don't integrate.
    Why does our government still let them in?
    Labor and LNP have no intention of stopping Muslim migration.
    Clearly as Germany has found out - refugees are just advanced Muslim troop movements.

    No wonder voters are leaving the 2 major parties in droves.

    My local MP is of European heritage. His home county is over run with Muslims with over 50 no go zones where local police just don't go. No law just Sharia law. He can see the disintegration of his home land. Yet he continues to support LNP policy to allow Muslim refugees and other Muslim immigrants into Australia. WHY??? Is he incredibly thick?? Why isn't our government listening to ordinary Australians but pandering to a Muslim minority? Why is Trunbull hosting an iftar dinner for Ramadan? Would be incredibly stupid to do it again.

    I can not believe the EU is even considering allowing Turkey to join the EU and hence allow free Muslim access to Europe.
    Fatal mistake. Frankly I think Merkel has lost her marbles.
    Let Muslims fight Muslims in Muslim countries. Do not bring Muslims into non Muslim countries where they can bring their frictions and fractions into our countries and start the violence all over again and turn our countries into the shyte holes that they have left.
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