what is there ever to be ashamed of, page-19

  1. 11,978 Posts.
    You are totally confused!
    I readily acknowledge that I find some philosophical reasonings as totally confusing.
    In a book entitled “The Universe and Dr. Einstein” the following statement is made on page 21: “Gradually philosophers and scientists arrived at the startling conclusion that since every object is simply the sum of its qualities, and since qualities exist only in the mind, the whole objective universe of matter and energy, atoms and stars, does not exist except as a construction of the consciousness . . . As Berkeley, the archenemy of materialism, phrased it: ‘All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth, in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world, have not any substance without the mind. . . . So long as they are not actually perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind, or that of any other created spirit, they must either have no existence at all, or else subsist in the mind of some Eternal Spirit.’”
    The apostle Paul explained to early Christians immersed in a world of suchlike thinking:
    (1 Corinthians 2:11-13) For who among men knows the things of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So, too, no one has come to know the things of God except the spirit of God.  Now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit that is from God, so that we might know the things that have been kindly given us by God.  These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, as we explain spiritual matters with spiritual words.
    So just as there is much confusion in philosophical concepts those not knowing or trusting "the things of God" can not expect to "know the things that have been kindly given us by God."
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