What is "treasure in heaven"?, page-49

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3

    We are straying from the topic. You were basicly saying JW's are cowards for not fighting for "freedom". The Germans were fighting for "freedom" too, as you just said.

    No I didn't. I said that their treatment at the end of WW1 lead to a large extent to WW2. As often happens in human nature they over-reacted and allowed a totalitarian regime to take hold which became expansionist and had to be stopped. Many Germans thanked the allies after the war for stopping Hitler.

    I don't recall accusing the JWs of being cowards - I said that they were prepared to leave the dirty work of stopping Hitler to others. If I used the word "cowards" I apologise - I shouldn't have.

    In South Africa the treatment of Boers during the Boer war resulted in them introducing apartheid in the misguided belief that this would protect them in future. In their case they realised that they were wrong after considerable pressure was applied by caring people, and they gave up power. This is unlikely to have happened if people took a neutral stance.

    As far as they were concerned the Allies were preventing their "freedom". As I stated earlier JW's refused to have innocent blood on their hands and as a consequenc died in concentration camps, and were thrown in jail in so called "free" countries, ie America, Australia.

    I'm not condoning what Nazis did in concentration camps to any religious groups. What they did was vindication that they had to be stopped.

    How do you think people in "free countries" who refused conscription should have been treated? Do you think the governments of the time should have said "you object, don't worry. Your fellow citizens can do the dirty work. You just carry on as if nothing is happening and there is no threat".

    JW's would be the first to take up arms IF their King Jesus commanded it. He however did NOT command this but commanded his followers to preach the Good News, which they do with zeal and determination.

    Yeah right. And they think that they are God's chosen few. Correct or not? Do they do anything else other than "preach the Good News".

    Well, no they don't. I've already posted what JWs did to my family members because they declined to accept JW theology.
    I have asked for comment on several occasions on a website publication of JW rules - I got stone-walled. I and others have asked questions. again, silence.

    They do NOT condemn people who fought and died in war. They do condemn war an the needless slaughter of innocent lives.
    P.S No other group has done more for freedom of speech than the JW's.

    IMO they condemn people indirectly by the language that they use. Do you really think people who gave their lives for freedom enjoyed dying for the rest of us. JW behaviour, IMO, is a slap in the face to those who died for freedom (and their friends and families).

    They enjoy freedom of speech thanks to people who ensured freedom. I find JWs secretive - that is not conducive to freedom of speech.
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