What is "treasure in heaven"?, page-68

  1. RM
    7,412 Posts.
    Pharaoh wasn't the nicest chap but after the plague of boils God hardened the mans heart locking the chain of events that will eventually see God destroy countless first born Egyptians males not even excluding the beasts of the field.

    The Plague of Boils

    8Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Take for yourselves handfuls of soot from a kiln, and let Moses throw it toward the sky in the sight of Pharaoh. 9“It will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of Egypt.” 10So they took soot from a kiln, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses threw it toward the sky, and it became boils breaking out with sores on man and beast. 11The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were on the magicians as well as on all the Egyptians. 12And the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not listen to them, just as the LORD had spoken to Moses.

    so Jehovah passed judgement hardening the heart and the fate was sealed.

    linshan you said you felt sorry for me that my God was an evil God, the Biblical account gets worst for it wasn't after the belligerence of refusing to let Moses people to leave after the plague of boils, those babies where doomed to their fate. It was much earlier, before Pharaoh even when he snubbed his nose at your loving God, right?
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