I'm impartial to a tattoo or 3. One needs to use sense....

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    I'm impartial to a tattoo or 3. One needs to use sense. Discretion of locality is important so it's not on show 24/7 and the colours are protected. Also pick a location where scars are minimised. No point getting the back of your hands and lower arms tattooed if you're a mechanic and it's likely you get lacerations in those areas. Nothing is more tacky than a faded tattoo with soft edges.

    I have a liking for vibrant colours. I like large tattoos on a woman's' upper leg/thigh...it makes a good canvas.

    If I see one more little tattoo on a woman's upper shoulder when I'm in a queue I'll scream! Too tacky when everyone does the same. It lacks commitment. If you're going to get one then do it right.

    I like tattoos that use vast amounts of words like when I saw a poem. It displays the skill of the artist. A tattoo puts the artist on display as much as the tattoo.

    I have no regerts.

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