what is your trading story?, page-37

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    I have been many years training in the way of strategy, called Ni Ten Ichi Ryu, or as I like to call it. The two sworded market strategy. And now I think I will explain in writing for the first time my story and what led me to be a Marketeer. It is now during the first eighteen days of the twelfth month in the eleventh year of Sito (2011). I have conquered many markets and battled on many shores. I am a warrior of the ASX, Hang seng, Footsie to name but a few.

    I remember it was the same night she walked out on me. Tearing the heart right out of me and piercing it with those 6 inch heels she wore at the bottom of those lovely legs. It was hot and humid and she looked like a long cool drink on a hot summer’s night. I’d be a liar if I said I cared. Because if I remember correctly, after the first few market wins I had been neglecting her. I hardly even knew when she entered the room. I was a junkie that was addicted to a new drug that was my new lady. I’d spend hours researching and delving into the deeper things, the things we don’t mention in polite company. The things we keep hidden from little children so nightmares don’t overtake them in their sleep. I took the diamond ring I bought her and pawned it. Just so I could purchase the forbidden works of Gann. It was the best $10,000 I had ever spent. Of course she never saw it that way. I was on a one way spiral that was heading downwards.

    I’d go weeks without showering. I kept a bucket next to my screen so I wouldn’t miss any action by going to the toilet. The phone was off the hook and I wasn’t answering the door. My madness slowly became paranoia as I knew the neighbors were spying on me, trying to learn my secrets. That’s when my madness went from paranoia into complete delusion as I killed the neighbor’s cat hanging its lifeless body from the bordering fence as a warning to all that would dare spy. All this time the only contact I had with the out side world was the pizza boys, brokers and delivery guys giving me my food and ordered books. Talking to the brokers on the phone to place my positions was a dreary chore. But as computers hadn’t been invented it was my only means of getting my fix to sate my addiction.

    It continued like that for many, many years. Bouts of exhilaration followed by depths of despair that no mere mortal should ever have to endure. Then Monday would roll around and those heights of exhilaration would return. Five days of unparalleled joy and excitement. Riding the peaks and troughs to higher highs and higher lows. Only to end with the weekend. But not to be deprived of my new and exciting lover. I devoted myself to deep study and practical application of all that I was learning. I became intoxicated with the very essence of the market as a beast that I was taming and making bow to my will. Unbeknownst to me I was the one being tamed and conformed. I was making huge gains into the art of TA & Charting. But at an all too costly price. That price was my sanity.

    After I was released from the asylum in 1998 I was introduced to a brand new world. A world rivaling that which Cortez discovered on his fateful trip to the Americas. I discovered the computer which would lead me to Eldorado. The online broker. Since that discovery my joy. Nay, may I say it. My rapture has been an unending flight of a living dream. No more phone calls to brokers. Direct access to world wide markets 24/7. The ability to ride a swing skyward to the heavens and then to mount it and ride it down into the depths. My only regret is that this mortal body must regenerate through sleep. If only I could be awake as an automaton 24 hours of the day. Working in your undies must be a dream of many a poor sap who has to endure the unending grind and drudge that is, the work force.

    It was soon after this during my euphoria that I met Kanzi Hiromata. A master of the two sword trading technique. It was through rigorous training and mental attitude that I gained in the balance required to wield a two sworded market strategy. The school of Ichi taught me well. As on completion of my training I would hunt out and dual many brokers and fundamentalists killing in total 350 adherents of other techniques and market disciplines. Thus proving that the School of Ichi’s Two sworded market strategy was not only invincible on the battle field, but that it was a tried and proven technique. Only through virtue of strategy and practice can one attain to the degree desired.

    There is no better life than the life of the Marketeer. But beware for she is not a kind mistress for she is jealous. And she is an even worse lover not asking, but demanding exclusive devotion. But if you can please her and win her over. The rewards she offers are far superior to a promise of 79 virgins after death. FOR THIS IS THE MARKET.

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