what mahathir actualy said, page-21

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re:mahathir - facts v ignorance Eric,

    I can't help with the former. I take it the attention span and basic comprehension of the little missionaries is the problem. I think a lobotomy might be more help useful for some, but a few facts show how ludicrous and false the speech of Mahathir is and how incredibly foolish those are who hitch themselves to his star.

    A few facts generally destroy the credibilty of over enthusiastic propogandists. Have a look at Mahathir's mates. "Lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas".
    is the most likely outcome for the "non aligned".

    Non-Aligned Movement summit opens

    AFP - The 116-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) opened a two-day summit expected to be dominated by the crises over Iraq, North Korea and international terrorism.

    South African President Thabo Mbeki was due to present a report on the progress of the movement since the last summit in Durban in 1998 before handing over the chairmanship to Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

    United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan was then scheduled to address the leaders, who include Cuba's Fidel Castro, India's Atal Behari Vajpayee, Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf and some 50 others from around the developing world.

    Also present at the meeting are senior representatives from countries described by US President George W Bush as the "axis of evil" -- Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

    Iran's delegation is headed by President Mohammed Khatami, Iraq's by Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan and North Korea's by Supreme People's Assembly president and number two leader, Kim Yong-Nam.

    A draft statement for adoption by the summit rebukes Bush by rejecting his description of the three member states, and accuses the US of using the war on terror as an excuse for threatening to attack Iraq.

    A separate statement on Iraq, agreed after four days of wrangling by officials and foreign ministers, opposes any war against Iraq without the support of the UN Security Council.

    The movement, which represents more than half the UN membership, will also call on Iraq to "actively" comply with UN demands that it disarm.

    Attempts to reach a consensus over a resolution on North Korea's nuclear weapons program were due to continue today after NAM states threw out a bid by Pyongyang to blame the United States for the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

    The summit ends on Tuesday.
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