The following 'accident' breaks the rule that young hoons are...

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    The following 'accident' breaks the rule that young hoons are killing themselves. The driver was 43 yrs old and the passengers were 31 and 34 yrs old. Hoons have no age barrier, and neither does death.

    This is a horrific accident and a serious blow to any road safety campaign. We are 14 deaths above for the same time last year, wirh 25 deceased souls. With all due respect to the families of the dead, I feel more for the emergency services who have to, literally, pick up the pieces. To face this accident in a 60 or 70 km/h zone is gut wrenching.

    There is one tactic WA has not tried, bringing back the Road Traffic Authority. The RTA was a strong presence. Mind you, those were the days prior to automated road safety. A media campaign and auto fining with Multinovas doesn't quite cut it like facing a cop. You can drive through a Multi off your rocker on alcohol and drugs with an unroad worthy vehicle and cop a fine in the mail ( if you're still alive).

    I accept that people are not getting the message through their thick skulls that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety regardless. Campaigns re-enforce values. If drivers have no respect for themselves, passengers, other road users or their friends and family who have to bury them and live the consequences, then the road toll is a yo yo. The result isn't really meaning full. I would like to know how many incidences resulted in X deaths. What is worse, one bus with 25 deaths or 25 1 occupant vehicle deaths? I think the latter because it shows no one is learning anything.

    Please be extra careful on the roads. Besides being safe, be on the look out for those not being safe heading into your path.

    Horrific accident in suburbia
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