I find it very amusing that people in our community are so eager...

  1. 3,728 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I find it very amusing that people in our community are so eager to twist words to suit - usually individuals with a certain political lean.

    When referring to Bogans that speed, I did not mean that speeding motorists are Bogans. Bogans are your society rejects, where they drive clapped out 20 year old Falcons and Commodores, usually with mismatching panels, often seen with wide alloy wheels at the front and cheap skinny steel wheels at the rear for obvious reasons. Why I mentioned Bogans is they are not capable of being educated in the same way as others can be (generally speaking). I think they're a menace to our society.

    The thing with cars is that they've gradually become so fast over a long period of time to the point of us being desensitised to the dangers. If, for example, the very first car ever built for the roads had a top speed of 200 kmh, then there'd be a public outcry due to the obvious dangers with the result being a drastic reduction in the car's speed potential.

    I like fast cars as much as anyone, and I'm a mad F1 fan. But what concerns me is that there is nothing stopping a driver that's on a rampage from travelling over 100kmh in a 40 zone. Yes, people shouldn't do that, but that's not enough to stop the insane or irresponsible for driving as they please. I have a right to drive a fast car, but I have a right to drive with the knowledge no-one is going to hit me or family members by driving at excessive speeds. Too many have died for nothing, such as for driving through a green light.

    My last post on thread, thanks.
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