re: what reason to rally? heaps 1.. Abby Joseph Cohen- Waving...

  1. 1,256 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: what reason to rally? heaps 1.. Abby Joseph Cohen- Waving her hands around claiming the dow will be at 11500 by year end. You guessed her religious persuation.
    2.. 3 Down years. Surely the odds of tossing a coin are good enough for it to happen. Just for interests sake I remember being a the old Melbourne Casino and had every suit pocket (8 or so) chockers with $100 chips. I guess $8k or so and blew it all by 5am playing a table that went 26 reds in a row. What luck!
    3.. The US economy is on the road to recovery. Problem is theyre in a Lambourgini doing 300kph about to try and jump the grand canyon.
    4.. Gold is way overvalued and the $US Lira is about to make an about face.
    5.. Greenspan has more tricks up his sleeve as he takes the interest rates down one last time before we have a deflationary infltionary depression. He needs one more attempt at stimulating the suckers to get his Yiddish mates out of trouble.
    6.. A multi trillion dollar war should pay for itself in no time on top of the already massive DEBT BOMB.
    7.. The whole world realises that the economy cant collapse and the housing bubble is in order(Greenspan said last night) so it wont. If it gets all too rough we will be eating our Weeties with Prozac laced sugar to settle the anxiety of the collapse.

    Is that enough
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