In Australia we've always prided ouselves on our sense of fair...

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    In Australia we've always prided ouselves on our sense of fair play, of doing the right thing.

    Comrade Rudd in an example of hypocrisy is appealing to our sense of fair play by telling us all he wants is for the miners to pay us a fair tax. But there's nothing fair about changing the rules AFTER companies have invested billions of dollars based on the rules in play and the accepted business practices in Western democracies.

    Despicably Comrade Rudd provides us with misleading information telling us that miners are only paying one dollar in seven in tax. This of course is utter nonsense. It has been refuted in an audit by RIO, which pays 35 cents in the dollar in taxes.

    Even more despicably, and in complete opposition to the Australian sense of fair play, Comrade Rudd wants to retrospectively change the rules that were the basis for not just tens of millions, not just hundreds of millions but for billions of dollars being invested in the mining industry, creating jobs, growth and wealth for our country.

    This is unAustralian.

    Like a big, jealous, greedy school yard bully, Comrade Rudd, seeing our mining industry finally generating some good profits after a 20 year bear market cannot keep his greedy hands off the lolloies that do NOT belong to him and so arrogantly demands to be a 40% silent partner of every mining project in existence or planned in this country.

    What is even worse is he is demanding this in OUR name.

    This is unAustralian.

    You can't just waltz in and bully now successful mining businesses to hand over to you 40% of their profits that belong to them.

    I repeat, this is in breach of all standard business practice in Western democracies. This is in direct breach of all legal contracts the companies have made. This was not mentioned when the companies were given their exploration licenses. This was not mentioned when the companies developed their mines.

    How arrogant can Comrade Rudd be daring to believe he can bully our mining industry into giving him 40% of their pre tax profits. Then from the remaining 60% they get hit with company tax.

    Comrade Rudd's conduct in this matter is completely unAustralian. Again I repeat, in breach of accepted international business practices.

    Comrade Rudd talks aboutr improving the education system, of us having schools where all kids have a happy learning environment safe from bullying. Well how about Comrade Rudd setting an example. Comrade Rudd has NOT been given a mandate by Australians to bully our mining industry, to demand and take the lollies, like a big schoolyard bully what does NOT belong to him.

    Comrade Rudd must not be allowed to get away with this.
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