what sentence should have corby received?

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    There are a lot of people that believe Corby was very harshly treated in her sentence for trafficking marijuana.

    I'm in the camp that you obey and respect the rules of another country and if you are prepared to roll the dice, you get what you deserve.

    Let's forget for a moment that this was Indonesia. What sentence did Corby deserve (considering she was found guilty)?

    Considering she spent 9 years in prison, I don't believe the sentence is harsh at all.

    I firmly believe that international drug smugglers should be heavily punished. Many countries of the world suffer from serious drug problems/culture because of the importation of drugs. Clearly, many Asian countries recognise the seriousness of drug smuggling and the potential affect on its culture.

    Therefore, if a person were caught smuggling 4kg of marijuana into Australia, I would not have a problem with our country punishing this more severely than usual. If our government gave someone 5 to 9 years not for one moment would i think it was harsh. Smuggling drugs internationally should be considered a VERY serious offense. Therefore, is spending 9 years in prison for international drug smuggling way way over the top, which a lot of people believe.

    I know its "only marijuana" as most people say. But if countries could stamp out international drug smuggling, we all know it would save MANY lives. And could you blame a country for wanting to protect their citizens from drugs?. And who are we to criticise Asian laws for being tough on drugs when it is such a problem within our society.

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