What the- Hanson One Nation ON STRIKE

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Can you believe politicians with their snouts already in the well paid public trough
    threatening to go ON STRIKE from their duties in parliament.

    What a debacle! Seems their could be an element of BLACKMAIL also involved.

    Sounds worse than the CFMEU.  

    "One Nation strike over sugarcane dispute to derail Government agenda
    AM By political reporter Julia Holman
    Updated about 3 hours ago
    One Nation party leader Pauline Hanson speaks to reporters in Canberra.

    It is the final sitting week before the May budget, but the Coalition's attempts to pass legislation could be derailed because of an unrelated dispute involving Queensland sugarcane growers.
    One Nation senators say they will effectively go on strike until a dispute involving Queensland sugarcane growers, sugar mill Wilmar and sugar marketer QSL is resolved.
    Arriving in Canberra, Pauline Hanson said she was just standing up for the people who voted for her.
    "I've made a stance that myself and One Nation senators will not be supporting any Government legislation or any legislation before Parliament until the Wilmar dispute is sorted between the cane growers and Wilmar," she said.
    Senator Hanson wants the Federal Government to intervene to help growers have more of a say in the marketing and sale of their crop.
    "I believe that they need to actually have a code of conduct, a mandatory code of conduct," she said.
    "The Queensland cane farmers are my constituents, they have come to us asking for our help and assistance, the Prime Minister plus also the Labor and the Nationals and especially Barnaby Joyce, have done nothing to sort out this disagreement."
    Her comments come almost one month after Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce warned the companies the Federal Government would intervene if they didn't "fix up" the business.
    Mr Joyce told reporters the Federal Government could act after the Queensland Government failed to pass laws on the situation.
    The sugar dispute explained

    Cane farmers are concerned about a payment dispute and it is creating a bitter taste for the National Party.
    "Nothing is going to happen today, but if they [Wilmar and QSL] think for one second we have taken our eyes off the ball and will let it go through the keeper, we haven't," he said.
    "I say to QSL and Wilmar: if you don't want clumsy fingers in your business then fix up your business and fix it up today."
    Fellow Queensland One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts supports his leader's stance, and denies One Nation is horse trading on Government policy.
    "We're not asking for anything in return other than the Government do its job, and we'll just abstain," he said.
    "We're not seeking anything in particular, we just want them to listen and work for the farmers, that's all we want."
    'Don't blackmail', Williams warns Hanson
    Nationals senator John Williams says he shares One Nation's concerns about the growers, but he does not like Senator Hanson's approach.
    "I instigated a sugar inquiry a couple of years ago now about this very issue of the Wilmar and their [basic] monopoly of these sugar mills. It's a real problem," he said.
    "But Pauline, don't blackmail, I think just work on each issues as it comes along, let's work together to fix up the sugar industry and that monopoly and the problems they face."
    He said he supported One Nation's call for a code of conduct.
    "When you have monopolies, and monopolies holding a gun basically at your head in business, then you need regulation. And a mandatory code of conduct I would welcome," Senator Williams said.
    "I think that Pauline should work with the legislation, deal with one issue as it comes through, not just hold a gun to our head in the form of blackmail, that's my position."

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