I wouldn't say that NATO meetings have nothing to do with us...

  1. 88,178 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I wouldn't say that NATO meetings have nothing to do with us

    unfortunately whilst northern hemisphere wars have nothing to do with us directly ---------

    the point is --------- in the past ------------- we've ended up guts up in Northern Hemisphere wars

    WW1 ------ and WW2

    the cold war

    all of those have had massive effects on Australians - including a hell of a lot of dead and injured.

    So - is it in our interest to perhaps have a say? is it in our interest to listen to others who are on the stage? is it in our interest to know the faces and names and perhaps get a few phone numbers? a few personal invitations? is it in our interest to issue a few invitations, make a few friends?

    or wait to be dragged into the next war about 'someone else' 'somewhere else'

    personally - I think there's a hell of a lot more value in going to things like this - as opposed to going over and getting shot
    Last edited by pintohoo: 11/07/23
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