What the Media isn't telling you about NKorea, page-12

  1. 1,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    To be truthful KG its easy to be brainwashed.

    We are stuck in the left/right wing cheering mentality that clouds our judgement about what has taken place, what are the objectives of either party and past history that shapes future motives. This is missed in mainstream media to be accountable and provide facts due to the constant fascination between left and right wing ideology that matters little with any balanced view. We often now report our emotions to an event or just what the White House says as if its gospel truth (NK fired a missile, they are a dangerous threat, we are unsafe, how do you feel about it?). We have also lost our ability to critically think which our education systems has deliberately ensured that we can't rise above any level of questioning our superiors. Just enough intelligence to press the buttons but not know why we are pressing them and voting either ALP or Liberals as if it was a big difference while our society slowly regresses.

    I think about my younger days how I was tricked into the Saddam is pure evil in throwing children from incubators (which never happened) and that sanctions were a great idea because those Iraqi's deserved it. It all changed when I started slowly reading history about things like why the Norman conquerors placed castles on the hill in Wales to control rebellion of a people that were not theirs, trade, economy and national identity that my eyes understood slowly about that same techniques Israel used for the Palestinians. I remembered a history teacher telling me why he was no longer pro-Israeli after see what the Palestinians endured firsthand (he never explained why but he just said walk in their shoes). Then you see there is no western good guys, they hate us and our 'democracy' which is just a bunch of people enslaved to a ruling cabal of special interest groups that control what we can say and what we must do, with the media parroting how I should think. Just shut up take your vaccine shots Langers or we will monitor you as a threat to our way of life and re-fluoride your water.
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