What to charge him with?

  1. 1,110 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    A middle-aged medical scientist is living alone in a high-rise building in Sydney. He's so dedicated to his work that he's a lonely man with few friends, so he decides to make a clone of himself.

    He and the clone live together quite well for quite some time until one day the clone decides life is boring and asks if they can throw a party.

    The scientist reluctantly agrees, they invite as many people as they know and the party is going brilliantly.

    Then suddenly, about midnight, there's a huge fuss on the balcony, the sounds of a woman crying and a raised man's voice.

    The scientist races out to see what's going on and one of his scientific colleagues says: "Your flatmate has just insulted my wife with disgusting, depraved and obscene comments. We're leaving." And they storm out.

    Well, that ruins the party and within minutes all the other guests have gone too and the scientist and his clone are alone.

    They start to argue, the clone calls the scientist a boring old fart, or something similar, and the pair start to fight.

    In the tussle the clone falls over the balcony and crashes to his death 20 floors below.

    The police duly arrive, find out the circumstances and decide the scientist must be charged.

    But with what?

    After some discussion, they settle on ''making an obscene clone fall."

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