What to do about the Aged Pension?, page-5

  1. 25,536 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi Shayne

    The pension system in this country is like most of the governments administration, it's a dogs breakfast

    The pension system has just grown like topsy and it now has a lot of in-equality resident in the system, if the government was serious it should look at all the pensions and come up with a fairer system. I personally know people who get pension benefits who do not need them but they are available so they accept them, they are not doing anything wrong or illegal so they accept what is available

    I know of other people who have a great struggle because they are in the "no hope" section of our community and have a great struggle to get enough to eat, when I say no hope, it is not their fault they find themselves where they are but will be there until they die.

    I am certain that there are a lot of savings to be made in the pension system but the governments present bulldozer attitude is not the correct way to go because it brings into question the ability and intelligence of the people trying to force these changes

    It may have the effect of unifying the pensioner vote to a common good and any politician who faces the wrath of all the pensioners in Australia will wish to be somewhere else

    At the moment pensioners do not have a single voice there are a number of groups but they all just do their own thing but if someone united them it would be the most powerful lobby in Australia
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